Loan Rates
New and Used Vehicles
New Auto | 72 Months | as low as 5.74%* |
Used Auto | 60 Months | as low as 6.24%* |
*All extensions of credit are subject to credit approval.
Rates shown are the lowest rates offered for the products advertised. Applicants who are not approved at these rates or terms may be offered credit at a higher rate and/or with different terms.
Rate Watch – Loans
Personal Loan | 36 Months | 7.90%* |
Personal Loan | 48 Months | 9.90%* |
Personal Loan | 60 Months | 10.90%* |
Vacation Loan | 12 Months | 5.90%* |
Share Secured Loan | 60 Months | 2.90%* |
Education Loan | 84 Months | 5.90%* |
New Auto Loan | 72 Months | as low as 5.74%* |
Used Auto | 60 Months | as low as 6.24%* |
Overdraft Protection / Line of Credit | 12.90%* |
*All extensions of credit are subject to credit approval.
Rates shown are the lowest rates offered for the products advertised. Applicants who are not approved at these rates or terms may be offered credit at a higher rate and/or with different terms.
Home Equity Loan
Available on request. Use the equity in your home to pay for home improvements, educational expenses or for any good reason.
The Credit Union pays the closing costs*. Choose from our fixed rate loan and receive all of your funds right away, or our line of credit loan where you write checks as you need the funds.
Call the credit union today for rates at 516-562-6650.